Check In With Yourself

Brittney Schultz
2 min readJun 29, 2021

Do you temperature check?

In our youth, we are routinely assessed. Can you apply what you’ve learned? How can you outperform your peers? How can you surpass your own metrics? Can you prove that you are qualified for admission?

Once we leave the days of exams behind, and are relinquished of a forced self-examination, we can often stagnate. It can feel good to no longer need to define yourself with test scores and performance stats. But because of the perpetual stress created around proving your worth for 12–18+ years of our lives, we tend to rebel from the entire…



Brittney Schultz

Wife. Mother. Educator. Wellness Advocate. Brittney teaches web and software development courses at a technical college in WI and is a grad student for a MCS.